March 12, 2022



The best part about a software update is that it adds new functionalities and advanced features that make it more exciting and comfortable for users to use them. Over the years, Adobe has been offering the right balance of these things in its software updates, But the update that we can see all over the internet nowadays is Adobe Commerce's latest update to Magento 2.4.4.

The actual question here is that will Magento 2.4.4 be a real gamer changer, or will it just be a regular software update? In this blog, you will find the answer to many similar questions like details about Magento 2.4.4, what new things it offers to its users, and how it can benefit your business?.

Magento 2.4.4 – Here’s all that you need to know about it

Similar to the previous update this update is or will release in 3 parts

Adobe Commerce Beta- October 2021 and ongoing.

Adobe CommercePre-Release- March 29, 2022.

Adobe Commerce & Magento Open Source General Availability- April 12, 2022.

Magento 2.4.4 will come with some of the major bug fixes and performance enhancements. Here are some of the points you need to know about the Magento 2.4.4 release.

  • Platform Enhancements
      1. Upgraded Adobe Composer dependencies.
      2. Require library upgrade to the latest version.
      3. PHPUnit upgraded to 9.5.x.
      4. Support for TinyMCE 5.
  • Performance Enhancements
      1. Improvements have been made to the cart operations.
      2. The order validation process has been improved.
      3. Optimisation of sales throughout the checkout process.
      4. The latest version of ElasticSearch (7.16.1) and OpenSearch 1.1 has been released.
  • Vendor-Bundled Extensions
  • Graph QL
  • Bundle Products
  • Cart and Checkout
      1. Minimum advertised price – link issue fixed.
      2. Support for the guest shopper to checkout with several types of customer address attributes.
      3. Improved free shipping threshold for table rates.
      4. It will offer much faster checkout services especially when the cart consists of multiple products.
  • Catalog
      1. Improved mass attributed update action for product grid having “DateTime” attribute.
      2. Support to retrieve information about scheduled updates using GraphQL queries.
  • Page Builder
      1. The Insert/Edit Image and Insert/Edit Link pop-up windows have been repositioned.
      2. Issues with the Text Editor for a banner in Page Builder have been resolved.
      3. During the upgrade, Adobe Commerce will no longer convert all dynamic blocks to a single language.
  • Here are a few Reasons why magneto 2.4.4 can turn out to be a popular update.

  • PHP 8.1 introduced

    The introduction of PHP 8.1 is the biggest update in Magento 2.4.4. as It offers a whole lot of new features like read-only properties, enums, first-class callable syntax, explicit octal numeral notation, pure intersection types, fibers, final class constants, never return type.

    PHP 8.1 is expected to bring up to 23% speedup as per Symfony Demo. The performance figures on a particular Magento setup differ as they rely on multiple factors.

  • Support for TinyMCE 5

    The major change to the Magento embedded content editor TinyMCE. The editor becomes unavailable in the admin panel and breaks the Magento Page Builder extension.

      1. TinyMCE MFTF tests have been refactored. The use of duplicated sections elements (selectors) and TinyMCE extensions in core tests will impact the store.
      2. TinyMCE4 MFTF tests have been refactored. TinyMCE 4 MFTF tests can affect the store if it uses or extends them.
      3. Platform Enhancements
      4. There will be highly upgraded Adobe Composer dependencies
      5. PHPUnit will be upgraded to 9.5.x.
      6. It will also be supportive for TinyMCE.5
  • GraphQL
      1. Retrieve category information using GraphQL query for a scheduled category update
      2. There will be improved storage performance configuration settings for store coding queries. It will permit the users to set a payment method on a negotiable quote. Some of the prominent bugs will now be closed in this new version like configurable child products, category hiding, differing website ID from the store ID, products unassigned to shared catalog, etc.
      3. Improved storage performance.
      4. Improved configuration settings for the “store config” query.
      5. Support for setting the payment method on a negotiable quote.
  • Vendor Bundled Extensions
      1. Vendor Bundled Extensions will now be separated from the core of Adobe Commerce, allowing businesses to identify and search features and other capabilities quickly and easily. Almost all third-party modules are now separated from the Magento core set, thanks to Adobe. Extensions that have been removed from a Vendor Bundled Extension list will be available for download from the Magento Marketplace as an alternative.
      2. All the Vendor-bundled extensions have been removed (except Braintree)
      3. Offer Support in the timestamp of the export filename for the user’s timezone.
      4. Optimized page builder table fonts and positioning.
      5. Load execution time for the module list has been improved.
      6. Price sorting issues for products equal to or close to 0 is fixed
      7. Admin can now test and verify custom date attribute format for storefront and admin.
      8. Display related products, up-sell products and cross-sell products according to their position in the admin.
      9. Dependency on Third Parties
      10. The latest Magento 2.4.4 will have many third parties to keep the store secure, top-notch, and add more features and functionalities. Some of them are mentioned below:
  • System Dependencies
      1. You will need the updated versions of ElasticSearch, Redis, MariaDB, MySQL, and Varnish.
      2. A new innovative, and highly advanced search and analytics suite from Apache 2.0 will be present, namely OpenSearch. It is licensed Elasticsearch 7.10.2 and Kibana 7.10.2
      3. There will be composer dependencies to advance PHPunit/PHPUnit and laminas/laminas code
      4. The latest Magento 2.4.4 will not have laminas/laminas-crypt, laminas/laminas-filter, laminas/laminas-i18n and paragonie/sodium_compat libraries
      5. JS NPM Dependencies
      6. The grunt auto prefixer is no longer available.
  • JS Libraries Built-in
      1. There will be a lot of improvement in jQuery, TinyMCE, Knockout, and underscore library.
      2. The new version Magento 2.4.4 will bid adieu to Modernizr, eS6-collections, FormData.js, and MutationObserver.js library.
  • Other Updated Software Components
      1. Added ElasticSearch 7.16.1 and OpenSearch 1.1 support.
      2. jquery-UI has been upgraded to version 1.13.0.
      3. Deprecated methods have been removed from jQuery 3.6.x.
      4. jquery. tabs updated to the latest version.
      5. Backward Compatibility
      6. In news Magento, the backward-incompatible changes will be considerable implications on the third-party modules. Because they should work in a new way now. This is the list of extensions that are imposed on these changes. Find out the details below.
  • One major issue that will bother most of us is our willingness to adapt to the new version, that’s why Adobe has released four monthly beta versions of Magento 2.4.4 which will not only test the new features but will also offer a review of the practical use to fix the concern for most of us.

    So are you excited to use the new Magneto which is fully loaded with new functionalities and features? If you have any doubts or questions regarding the update or want to upgrade your old Magento store then feel free to contact us and for more such updates stay tuned with Dotsquares.

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